+2 02 333 736 63
Performance Coaching


Many companies are recognizing performance challenges as opportunities to strategically develop their employees. They see problems, challenges and difficult situations as opportunities for learning and growth.  One of the best ways to truly learn and improve is through direct experience, by noticing the effects of our actions and trying something new. These natural opportunities are the most valuable times to practice and apply performance coaching.


Zeroing In On Specific Performance Challenges

DOOR Performance Coaching uses an established coaching framework to enhance your employee’s existing behaviors and develop new ones central to professional success as well as the success of the organization. What makes our performance coaching effective is our ability to zero in on your employee’s specific challenges. A DOOR coach will work with your employee to determine the root cause of the challenges by focusing on the four major causes of performance problems:


Knowledge or Skills Process Resources Motivation or Culture
What are the skills, knowledge and abilities needed to perform the job well? What processes (ie. Working conditions, procedures, etc.) needs to be clarified and understood? What resources are available that can enhance learning and performance? What motivations are needed? What positive culture can be adopted?


Benefits of Performance Coaching to the Individual

By going through and committing oneself to coaching, employees are able to:

a) Improve performance and reach targets and goals

b) Commit to personal learning and development

c) Find solutions to specific work-related issues

d) Develop a strong sense of ownership and responsibility

e) Increase self-awareness

f) Gain or improve specific skills and behaviors

g) Understand roles and objectives clearly

h) Correct behaviors and eliminate performance difficulties